Quality Policy

INSTRUMENTOS DE MEDIDA Y PRECISIÓN SL, a company dedicated to the manufacture of measuring and precision instruments, states its purpose to offer competitive services to all its customers. Therefore, it has implemented a quality management system within the organization, whose main objective is to achieve the satisfaction expected by customers, through internal procedures based on a process of continuous improvement.

INSTRUMENTOS DE MEDIDA Y PRECISIÓN SL quality management system is designed so that all the company’s services are carried out correctly and efficiently, using the necessary means to achieve the utmost quality.

To meet the desired objectives, our Quality Management System is certified according to UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 standard, and is built upon the following principles established by our Management Team:

  • To ensure our clients’ satisfaction, including the company’s shareholders, in all matters relating to the performance of our activities and their impact on society.
  • To establish quality performance evaluation centered goals and objectives, as well as continuous improvement in our activities, as regulated in the Management System governing this policy.
  • Fulfillment of our activity’s requirements of the applicable law and regulations, the commitments acquired with our clients, and all the internal performance norms or guidelines to which INSTRUMENTOS DE MEDIDA Y PRECISIÓN SL is subjected to.
  • To motivate and train all the company’s staff, both for the proper performance of their jobs and to act under the requirements imposed by the standard of reference.
  • Maintaining fluid communication interactions both internally, between the company’s different levels, and with customers.
  • Evaluating and ensuring the workforce's technical competence, as well as assuring their adequate motivation to participate in the continuous improvement of our processes. 
  • To guarantee an optimal state of the facilities and equipment, so they are in correspondence with the company’s activity, goals, and objectives.
  • To guarantee an ongoing analysis of all relevant processes, establishing the appropriate improvements in each case, based on the results and the established objectives. 
  • These principles are adopted by Management, which has the necessary means and provides its employees with sufficient resources for their compliance, stating them and making them public through this Quality Policy.


Instrumentos de Medida y Precisión, S.L.

Date: 06/04/2022 - Annex II - Edition 1